Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 beschränkt. Bitte melden Sie sich vor Semesterbeginn unter AGNES an. Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs Dalloway and T. S. Eliot’s poetry – “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and “The Waste Land”, amongst others, lie at the heart of this seminar. We will read these classics of modernist literature with a view to their literary techniques as well as their presentation of early 20th-century society. Then we will change perspective, for the novelists Martha Cooley and Michael Cunningham worked with these texts, too, setting them at the heart of their novels The Archivist and The Hours respectively. We will read these novels (both first published in 1998), analysing how they make use of the material from the original literary texts as well as from the biographies of Woolf and Eliot in order to weave intricate stories and postmodernist texts. Please get your own copy of the following books – and read Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway for the beginning of term: Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway (e.g. Penguin Modern Classics or Oxford World’s Classics edition). Michael Cunningham, The Hours, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998. T. S. Eliot, Collected Poetry. 1909-1962, Faber and Faber. Martha Cooley, The Archivist. A Novel, Little, Brown and Company 1998 (Hardcover)/ Back Bay Books 1999 (Paperback). Further theoretical material on intertextuality, modernism, and postmodernism will be provided on moodle. |