This Research Colloquium is both for students in their second semester (‚betreutes Selbststudium’) and for those in their third semester (‘Forschungskolloquium’). For students doing their ‘betreutes Selbststudium’ it will provide guidance with respect to the selection of a suitable research topic, research tools, research strategies etc. Students doing the ‘Forschungskolloquium’ will be able to discuss the compilation of their research bibliography and present their first results towards the end of the semester. N.B. dates: There will only be a few sessions between the beginning of the semester and Christmas; the rest of the sessions will take place in block sessions on Fridays in January and February. A detailed plan of activities will be provided in the first session. Please make sure that you attend the first session on Friday, 18 October ! Please register via Agnes. If you cannot take part in the course but have already registered, please let me know by email before 18 Oct: |