Phonetic variability is intrinsic to speech. Due to speaker-specific characteristics (physiological, cognitive), two speakers will never produce the same utterance. Phonological models have vividly discussed the status of variability, e.g. whether it is linguistically irrelevant or part of phonological representations. The aim of this seminar is to compare spontaneous and controlled speech phenomena focusing on variability obtained from experiments. Both acoustic and perceptual evidence will be critically discussed by taking into consideration various models such as Generative Phonology, Abstractionist Models, Exemplar Theory, Prosodic Phonology, Dynamic Approaches and Hierarchy of Multiple Cues. Fr 12.4.13: 14-18 & SA 13.4.13 : 09-14 in Schützenstr. 18, Raum 403 (am ZAS)
Fr 19.04.13: 16-20 DOR 24, 1.102 ! SA 20.04.13: 09-14 am ZAS, R. 403 Fr 26.04.13: 14-18 am ZAS, R. 403 SA 27.04.13: 09-14 am ZAS , R. 403 |