Gender and knowledge can refer to two areas: firstly to the historically variable knowledge about gender itself, e.g. different concepts of gender and gender difference; and secondly to the explicit or implicit impact of gender on knowledge production in various fields (think of the implicitly gendered concept of genius in the Romantic Age). This course will provide an understanding of the processes of (scientific) knowledge production in general, of the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion at work, as well as of the relevance of gender as an analytical category in particular. Moreover, these different dynamics will be exemplified with the help of a number of historically specific examples from the British context. N.B.: Number of particpants limited to 30. Registration via e-mail: As preparatory reading I suggest: Michel Foucault, The Order of Discourse (if no longer in print, take the German version: Die Ordnung des Diskurses)as well asMary Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of WomanVirginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own Further material will be made available at the beginning of the semester. N.B.: An diesem Kurs können zusätzlich 10 Studierende des Master-Studiengangs Gender Studies teilnehmen |