Kommentar |
Gender relations have been subject to profound changes in the course of economic restructuring and socioeconomic transformations throughout the world. Changes in gender relations take different forms depending on the regional context and the broader societal gender order within which they take place. This course aims at exploring the socio-structural and institutional factors that constitute gender orders in different societies. Special emphasis will be put on the role of the welfare state as well as on policies of international organizations (e.g. gender budgeting) that shape gender orders and (re)produce patterns of gender inequality. This seminar is closely related to the course “The Political Economy of Gender. Feminist Transformations in a Global Perspective” by Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt. Thus, it is strongly recommended to attend both courses. This course is also opened to students of the International Master in Rural Development and MA Agricultural Economics. |
Literatur |
Marchand, Marianne/Runyan, Anne Sisson (eds.) (2000): Gender and Global Restructuring. Sightings, Sites and Resistance. London, New York: Routledge Daly, Mary/Rake, Katharin (2003): Gender and the Welfare State: Care, Work and Welfare in Europe and the USA. Oxford, Malden, MA: Blackwell |