In this course we will study a number of novels to investigate the negotiation of the postmodern paradigm and specifically postmodern conceptions of history in contemporary British fiction. Since there will be a small conference entitled ‘Trends in Contemporary Fiction: Gender and History’ in June 2010 (in cooperation with the Centre for British Studies), this focus will also form a substantial part of our seminar.The Lektürekurs will be used as a space to prepare for the conference. For students of the English Literatures Master attendance of the conference is obligatory; the other students are welcome to join.Since our reading and the conference programme need to be coordinated and the latter has not been finalized yet, the list of texts to be read for the seminar will be announced later.A Reader with additional material will be made available at the beginning of the semester. N.B.: A maximum of ten students from the Gender Studies Master can register for this class. N.B.: To inform you of our reading list and the availablity of course materials, and to keep the size of the class manageable, it is absolutely necessary that you register by e-mail, even if you also register with AGNES: (the message should include your name and Studiengang) |