Die Teilnehmerzahl des Seminars ist auf 20 beschränkt. Bitte melden Sie sich vor Semesterbeginn unter AGNES an. Milton`s essays are as controversial as Puritanism and the English Revolution. He is an advocate of free speech and religious toleration, but not for Catholics and the radical sects; he champions divorce, but the right of divorce is solely a male prerogative; he formulates very modern ideas about the politics of education, but focuses almost exclusively on education for boys.We will study some of Milton`s essays in the attempt to work out the contradictory nature of Milton`s - albeit uncompromising - Puritan thinking in terms of its past significance and present relevance.We will be using the following text edition: John Milton. The Oxford Authors, ed. Stephen Orgel and Jonathan Goldberg (Oxford, New York: Oxford U.P., 2005). A Reader with additional material will be available at the beginning of the summer term. |