This course is an introduction to film studies including the teaching of film studies in a BA-environment. We will start with a few basic premises about the theory of filmic narration (David Bordwell) and then proceed to simple filmic techniques such as image and shot, perspective, camera movement, lighting, color and sound, editing, film narratology and semiotics. After that we will read some seminal critical essays by Christian Metz, Siegfried Kracauer, Laura Mulvey and others. As a practical example we will start with Hitchcock's Rear Window, and then proceed to other classical movies for discussion. Please sign yourself up for this class in the virtual classroom in Moodle! The key is "Film". Reading: · A reader with the theoretical texts will be available by April at "Sprintout", Georgenstraße, S-Bahn Bogen 190. · Apart from the theoretical texts we will be working with Richard Barsam, Looking at Movies, New York: Norton, 2007. The book will be on reserve in the department library. For the German-speaking students a good tutorial is also Rüdiger Steinmetz, Filme sehen lernen. Zweitausendeins. Course Requirements: Participation and short presentations. For the entire module (6): teaching report or self-study journal (please consult with the instructor). Films: Mo 18-21 Wöch DOR 24, 1.601 LG (3) Di 12-14 (siehe BA AM - Modul 3) |