Lecture Series Digital Transformation
Preconditions: none
Select two lectures (Work, Organisation) AND one seminar out of two (Work, Technology & Organisation) + pass exam!
In the lecture series, various experts from research and practice will present their projects in the field of digital transformation. Topics include organizational development in the context of technological challenges, leadership in an increasingly digitalized world, the introduction of AI and digital learning formats. The lecture is designed as an open format so that external participants can also take part and enrich the debates.
Requests regarding the lecture or place allocation in Agnes only via: aiopsy-lehre@hu-berlin.de
Correct registration in AGNES:
Further information on AGNES registration:
Study content Master of Psychology (2021):
Study content Master of Psychology (2024):
Die Veranstaltung wurde 2 mal im Vorlesungsverzeichnis WiSe 2024/25 gefunden: