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English for Students of Law, Gender Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences: Gender, Society and the Law - Detailseite

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Veranstaltungsart Sprachkurs Veranstaltungsnummer 91041
Semester WiSe 2023/24 SWS 4
Rhythmus jedes Semester Moodle-Link  
Veranstaltungsstatus Freigegeben für Vorlesungsverzeichnis  Freigegeben  Sprache englisch
Belegungsfrist Es findet keine Online-Belegung über AGNES statt!
Veranstaltungsformat Blended Course


Gruppe 1
Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Gebäude Raum-
Lehrperson Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Do. 12:00 bis 16:00 wöch von 26.10.2023  3.019 (Seminarraum)
Stockwerk: EG

alttext alttext
Doro24 Universitätsgebäude am Hegelplatz - Dorotheenstraße 24 (DOR 24)

Außenbereich eingeschränkt nutzbar Innenbereich nutzbar Parkplatz vorhanden Barrierearmes WC vorhanden Barrierearme Anreise mit ÖPNV möglich
  findet statt     20
Gruppe 1:

Zugeordnete Person
Zugeordnete Person Zuständigkeit
Linscott, J.
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Zentraleinrichtung Sprachenzentrum

What is the difference between “sex” and “gender”? Does the law have an intrinsic “male bias”, or has it in fact facilitated women’s liberation? How should the law promote the rights of transgender persons while still safeguarding those of women and girls? Should we speak about “prostitution”, or rather use the more neutral term “sex work”, and is the current proliferation of online pornography an outgrowth of sexual liberation, or rather a manifestation of widespread misogyny in Western culture? If you have found yourself wondering about any of these issues, you might wish to consider more closely the relationship between gender, law and society. The primary aim of this interdisciplinary course is to introduce students to key topics in gender studies through the reading of a wide range of legal and non-legal texts. By critically reading, discussing and writing about topical issues pertaining to gender and the law, students will develop both their oral and written communication skills.  In-class activities, such as class discussions and presentations, will provide participants with an opportunity to express their views on key social and legal issues, and thereby enable them to practise their public-speaking skills and fine-tune their command of legal academic discourse. At the end of the course, students will produce one formal written assignment. Topics are likely to include: the distinction between “sex” and “gender”; a historical overview of the three main waves of the feminist movement; liberal, cultural and radical feminist approaches to the law and society; the gay rights movement and the law; the apparent tension between transgender rights and gender-critical feminism; sexism in the legal profession; and the legal regulation of prostitution/sex work.  The course will be assessed by means of a class presentation and one final written assignment.


Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2023/24. Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25.
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