Group 1 (Elisa Lopper): The seminar deals with approaches of flexible working arrangements. We discuss trends and developments in the world of work and effects of the quality of working life. Students will create an approach to deal with these new work arrangements for different organizations.
Group 2 (Jens Nachtwei):
The seminar examines artificial intelligence from the perspective of engineering psychology with examples from industrial and organisational psychology. The seminar content is based on the lecture Psychology × AI. In addition to the social implications of AI and interdisciplinary impulses, AI is dealt with in particular with a focus on the digital transformation of the world of work.Special focus is placed on professions in the healthcare sector and in higher education.
The materials for this seminar are based on the findings of approximately 500 current and seminal articles from established journals in the field of human factors (see corresponding lecture).
In the seminar, students present some of these articles, moderate a discussion and prepare a contribution for the professional social media platform LinkedIn in order to serve the third mission of universities and to learn the transfer of academic knowledge into practice.
(All registered participants will receive the moodle password via e-mail at the start of the semester.) |