Kommentar |
This course has two goals. First, everybody who would like to present their work on ancient philosophy is welcome to do so. Second, in all other sessions, we will read and discuss papers on diversity in philosophy, including ancient philosophy and classics. Many groups of society are severely underrepresented in philosophy and classics, both at the level of students and staff as well as in the traditional canon. In this colloquium, we will try to understand the status quo and discuss how to change it. We will compile a list of relevant papers together and select democratically which papers from the list we will read.
If you would like to attend, please write me an email: ronja.hildebrandt@tu-dortmund.de However, you are also welcome to participate if you have not signed up in advance.
Lecturer: Likely Dr. Ronja Hildebrandt
Please note that the seminar starts a week later, that is on October 26, 2022 |