What is cognition? Is cognition inside our brain? What is the role of the body? What role does theenvironment play on cognition? How do cognitive beings know, believe and have certainties about theworld? What is a cognitive model? Does a cognitive model accurately represent cognition or is it anabstraction of a part of cognition? In recent decades cognitive science has revolutionised ourunderstanding of cognition. Philosophy has made a major contribution to cognitive science and hasitself been hugely influenced by its development. Philosophers, while attentive to traditionalphilosophical concerns, are increasingly drawing both theory and evidence from empirical disciplines.In this introductory-level philosophy seminar students will study both the main contributions thatareas of philosophy such as epistemology, philosophy of mind and philosophy of science havecontributed to cognitive science and the state-of-the-art set of new debates about cognition. Studentswill closely engage with and discuss both fundamental and recent papers and thought experimentspresented in an interactive seminar setting.