At the creative writing seminar, we will attempt to debunk some of the myths surrounding writing. In order to do this, we will approach writing from the point of view of material things and elementary practical things. We will examine the metaphors of writing with materiality in mind. If we say that writing is like water, then it has a current, drift and power. If we say that writing is rhythm, then we have to talk about the music of language and the relationship between sound and meaning. And if we talk about music, then we have to say that an essential element of creative writing is improvisation. Writing can also be understood as a movement, a physical exercise or a drawing activity, therefore the simple fact that we write by hand or with a typewriter has a significant influence on the quality of the resulting text.
Books to read
Péter Nádas: Homecoming
Imre Kertész: Published and unpublished diaries (excerpts)
Danilo Kis: Advice for young writers
Rilke: Briefe an einen Jungen Dichter (letter 1-3)
Th. Mann: Tonio Kröger (chapter 4)
Dante: Paradiso (canto 2)
Crossed out texts by Celan, Dostoyevsky