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This course provides students the opportunity to explore current culturally relevant issues in the United States. Course participants will determine the foci of the topics covered and address them in argumentative/persuasive presentations: entertainment, the fine and performing arts, free speech, race/ethnicity, and national holidays and national identity. Additional discussion activities will address the intersection of the course topics and cultural appropriation, intersectionality, privilege, and income disparity. Course activities will provide students with ample material to strengthen their discussion skills, to further develop their presentation and language skills, as well as to expand their knowledge on current culturally relevant topics in the context of the US.
- Second semester or higher should register by 07 Oct 2022 using this link
- First semester students should register between 2 pm on 11 October and 2pm on 13 October using this link
- Exchange students should register by 2pm on 13 Oct 2022 via email to faussera@hu-berlin.de.