The students are introduced to the basic concepts of the statistical programming language Python and its application. They have in-depth knowledge of mathematical and algorithmic foundations of statistical software.
Recommended conditions: Statistik I and II
A component of the seminar is an ungraded presentation.
Group 1 (10.10. - 14.10.2022): takes place during the 2nd examination period (digital!).
Group 2 (24.10. - 28.10.2022): in presence (+ digital).
Reason for block course: For educational reasons it is more reasonable to teach skills of a programming language in a block course. In addition, programming skills in Python are gaining in relevance for many study programs and an intensive course on such a topic can be included in the regular schedule more easily even for non-beginners.
The maximum number participants is 20 students per group.
Application: 26 September to 03 October 2022 via Moodle.
Participants will be selected randomly before the first lecture according the rules of HU ZSP, § 90. If there are more registrations than places, the decision will be made by lot. |