This course is largely about income in three guises: growth (changes in average income per head in countries); inequality (the dispersion of income between and within countries); and poverty (insufficient income). For sure, income is not all that there is, but it is a fundamental component of human development. This course is not an economics course but is rather focused on the politics or the political economy aspects of economic growth, poverty, and inequality. During this course we will touch upon the key debates, measurement issues of each topic, learning how to critically evaluate and understand the open questions within the research in this field.
Why should we study income? The ranking of countries according to the UN Human Development Index is broadly in line with that based on income per capita; and the developed economies are also at the top of achievements in human development, while the low-income countries in most cases show a poor record. Moreover, disparities in life expectancy across countries and within countries tend also to be correlated with income gaps. Therefore, focusing on economic growth – or the lack of it – and the disparities in income between countries and within countries is well justified if one wants to understand the potential of politics to improve their living standards. The course introduces the participants into key debates and issues in the field.
This seminar has also a practical line of contents. Students will learn how to analyse the relevant data using R software. Basic knowledge on statistics is strongly recommended as well as the willingness to learn R (see course prerequisites later in this document). However, the contents will be adapted to the students’ background, and students will have all the necessary material to work from. They will not be tested in their practical abilities to analyse data, but nevertheless the final practical module will strongly benefit them to understand how research is performed.