Migration, although a long-standing phenomenon, is mostly discussed in the context of post-colonialism in British culture. In this course we will investigate different types of migration and the narratives they give rise to. We will address questions of transnational mobility and cultural identity, hybridity, the formation of subjectivities at the intersection of ethnicity, gender, sexuality and class, temporality (the role of memory in the negotiation of multiple belongings), historical and political contexts, globalisation and the nation state. Our theoretical input will come mainly from post-colonial theory, diaspora studies and the study of interdependencies. On 15/16 January 2010 there will be a small conference on Migration and Contemporary Literature in Britain and Scandinavia (conference website: http://www.angl.hu-berlin.de/dates.html#lit_mig). The Lektürekurs will be used as a space to prepare for the conference. For students of the English Literatures Master attendance of the conference is obligatory; the other students are welcome to join. Since conference languages are German and English, a good command of both languages is required.Please begin your reading with the following two texts: Andrea Levy, Small Island (2004); Rose Tremain, The Road Home (2007). As soon as the conference programme is finalized, further texts will be announced. A Reader with additional material will be made available at the beginning of the semester. N.B.: A maximum of ten students from the Gender Studies Master can register for this class. N.B.: To inform you of further details and the availablity of course materials, and to keep the size of the class manageable, it is absolutely necessary that you register by e-mail (the message should include your name and Studiengang): eveline.kilian@rz.hu-berlin.de |