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This seminar is an introduction to film theories and film history through the relationship between migration and cinema. It will start with a focus on the colonial gaze used to represent other societies in early cinema and how this approach took different shapes in the following decades. It will then explore the effect of technological transformations after 1970s, which has allowed filmmakers in exile to develop different approaches to visual self-representation. As a part of the seminar, each week, a film created by a filmmaker in exile in different historical periods, will be analysed. Which common themes and aesthetic choices are used by filmmakers in exile to reflect on their condition? How do they deal with the issue of self- representation in their films and what kind of fault lines they create in today’s perception of migration, when we compare it with the representation regimes of mainstream media? In this course attended by filmmakers living in exile, students, artists and activists, we will eventually aim to create videos that are the product of co-research of collaborative working groups.