Kommentar |
This course provides an introduction to linguistics. The theoretical focus is on the core areas of the discipline: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Students will apply theoretical concepts when analyzing concrete linguistic data, primarily from English, with a focus on North American varieties. The seminar is accompanied by a Moodle course which provides audio-visual teaching material and exercises. The class is taught asynchronously. There will occasionally be voluntary online-meetings for questions and discussion.
The course is offered in the form of weekly Zoom sessions. |
Bemerkung |
Dieses Seminar, das nur im Sommersemester angeboten wird, ist Voraussetzung für ein Seminar zur Sprachvariation / zum Sprachgebrauch, das laut Studienverlaufsempfehlung im 3. Fachsemester, besucht werden soll. |