How the blended learning will be implemented depends on the development of the pandemic; Details will be agreed upon with the participants at the beginning of the semester.
Regional focus: East Asia (China)
Content: This seminar provides students with an introduction to the study of contemporary Chinese political economy. The early sessions of the course will place China’s economic development in global historical context before examining the characteristics of the Maoist command economy as well as reformers’ approach to marketization after 1978. Later sessions will focus on current issues relating to the state’s efforts to establish a sustainable, equitable and innovative economy. The final sessions examine China’s role in an increasingly turbulent global economy. Working closely with the instructor, students will write a research paper on a topic related to the contemporary Chinese political economy. The language of instruction is English.
Learning objectives:
- To introduce students to the study of the contemporary Chinese economy
- To familiarize students with current debate about the durability and sustainability of the Chinese growth model
- To develop your essay writing skills in English
Course evaluation: Participation, short assignments
Requirements: Some familiarity with modern Chinese history as well as contemporary politics is desirable for participation in this seminar. Ideally, students will have previously completed a China-focused seminar in Modul 2.
MAP: Essay
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