How the blended learning will be implemented depends on the development of the pandemic; Details will be agreed upon with the participants at the beginning of the semester.
Content: This colloquium is offered for students writing a thesis focusing on some dimension of contemporary China. We take a step-by-step approach to developing students’ BA thesis proposals and working towards a completed thesis. In early meetings, strategies for successfully navigating the research process will be covered. In later sessions, students will present their thesis exposés or early thesis drafts for feedback from peers and the instructor.
Regional focus: East Asia (China)
Learning objectives: Students will develop skills related to project management, scholarly argument and the presentation of ideas in an academic setting.
Course evaluation: Active participation and completion of short assignments.
Requirements: Students taking this colloquium should be familiar with modern Chinese history as well as contemporary politics. Ideally, students will have previously completed several China-focused seminars in Modules 2 and 11.