The objective of the “Financial Accounting Research Group” (FARG) is to introduce select students to current research in financial accounting. Participants of the FARG will learn the necessary skills to understand conceptual underpinnings and common empirical design choices in this area of research.
The FARG is organized around the Finance-Accounting Research Seminar that provides a forum for invited guest speakers to present current research papers. Participants of the FARG are welcome to attend the accounting talks of this seminar and expected to join internal discussion meetings of our institute in preparation of these talks. There are usually three accounting talks and three preparatory discussion meetings per semester. For details on the schedules of current and past semesters, please see here:
Master students can obtain 6 ECTS by (i) participating in the FARG for at least two semesters and (ii) writing three reviews (or two reviews and a discussion protocol) on papers that are presented by our guest speakers. Bachelor students cannot obtain ECTS through the FARG, but they are very welcome to join our talks and discussion meetings for inspiration. Students who participated in the FARG for at least two semesters will receive a certificate that confirms their participation.
Enrolment into the FARG is possible at the beginning of each semester. Details on the application procedure will be announced in early April (summer term) and early October (winter term) via the website of our institute. The language of the seminar is English. The number of participants is limited to 20 students. We will base our choice of suitable students on § 90 ZSP-HU. Registration until 15 April 2022 via Email: u.bruggemann(at) |