Kommentar |
Lern- und Qualifikationsziele Basic principles of theoretical neutrino physics and astrophysics with connection to current research. The lecture/tutorials will be given in English Voraussetzungen Astroparticle physics (desirable), introduction to the Standard Model (recommended) Gliederung / Themen / Inhalte Neutrino oscillations Solar neutrinos, MSW effect Neutrino masses and mixings Neutrinos meet the Standard Model Multi-messenger astroparticle physics Radiation models for astrophysical sources Hadronic interactions in astrophysical sources Baryogenesis/Leptogenesis
Literatur |
Carlo Giunti and Chung Kim. Fundamental of neutrino physics and astrophysics. Oxford Gaisser, Engel, Resconi. Cosmic rays and particle physics. Cambridge Malcolm Longair. High-energy astrophysics (vol. I). Cambridge
Bemerkung |
Ansprechpartner Walter Winter, 1'410 (HUB) 2R01 (DESY Zeuthen)
Prüfung |
Oral examination, participation in tutorials, reading assignment with presentation |