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Studierende in Vorlesung

Climate and Earth System Dynamics (ÜWP) - Detailseite

  • Funktionen:
  • Online Belegung noch nicht möglich oder bereits abgeschlossen
Veranstaltungsart ÜWP-Modul Veranstaltungsnummer 3312121Ü
Semester WiSe 2021/22 SWS 4
Rhythmus jedes 2. Semester Moodle-Link
Veranstaltungsstatus Freigegeben für Vorlesungsverzeichnis  Freigegeben  Sprache englisch
Belegungsfrist - Eine Belegung ist online erforderlich
Veranstaltungsformat Blended Course


Gruppe 1
Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Gebäude Raum-
Lehrperson Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Di. 09:00 bis 11:00 c.t. wöch 19.10.2021 bis 15.02.2022  1.206 (Seminarraum)
Stockwerk: 1. OG

alttext alttext
RudCh16 Alfred-Rühl-Haus - Rudower Chaussee 16 (RUD16)

Außenbereich nutzbar Innenbereich nutzbar Parkplatz vorhanden Leitsystem im Außenbereich Barrierearmes WC vorhanden Barrierearme Anreise mit ÖPNV möglich
Gerten findet statt     2
Di. 11:00 bis 13:00 c.t. wöch 19.10.2021 bis 15.02.2022    Lucht findet statt     2
Gruppe 1:
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich

Zugeordnete Personen
Zugeordnete Personen Zuständigkeit
Lucht, Wolfgang, Professor, Dr. verantwortlich
Gerten, Dieter, Professor, Dr. verantwortlich
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Geographisches Institut
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Geographisches Institut, Alexander von Humboldt Chair in Sustainability Science (S)

Everybody needs to attend the lecture (Tuesday, 11-13) and one of the two alternative seminar (Tuesday, 9-11).

The lecture series „Earth as a Complex System“ (Tuesday, 11-13) given by Wolfgang Lucht teaches on the following topics:

  • The role of biosphere, anthroposphere, technosphere and noosphere in the Earth system and their co-evolution, based on Earth's natural history and projected future in the Anthropocene
  • Complexity and nonlinearity in the co-evolutionary processes of Earth and its subsystem (natural and human)
  • Geo-cybernetic feedbacks, stabilisation and destabilisation processes, major system transitions, tipping points, co-evolutionary dynamics
  • Earth system analysis for the Anthropocene: human-environment co-evolution, socio-ecological metabolism, planetary boundaries and their implications, sustainability science, control theory, sustainability governance, World-Earth modelling
  • Diagrams of the Earth system, a short mental history of seeing Earth as a complex planet, and the development of Earth system science

There are two alternative accompanying parallel seminars on Tuesday, 9-11, by Dieter Gerten with a focus on the water cycle and land surface, and by NN with a focus on climate-system feedbacks and impacts. Within these seminars students present (ca. 30 min.) on a selected topic.

Topics in either seminar will be, for example:

Water and land surface:

  • Global water cycle in the Anthropocene
  • Planetary boundary for freshwater use
  • Water management in agriculture
  • Water footprints
  • Virtual water trade
  • Water ethics, religion and gender issues
  • Water conflicts

Climate change and climate-system feedbacks and impacts (tbc, depending on the lecturer):

  • Stability and variability of the Indian Monsoon System
  • Sea level variability in the past and future
  • West Antarctic and Greenland Icesheets: beyond their points of no return?
  • Urban climates and heat stress
  • Air pollution and public health in metropolitan areas
  • Extreme events
  • Effects of land use changes in the global climate system
  • The UN Sustainable Development Goals and global climate policy
  • Interference of climate and the energy sector
  • Teleconnections in the climate system

Because of possibly ongoing pandemic restrictions, the teaching format is likely to be digital (or hybrid if the situation allows). The modalities of the course and the format of presentations will be communicated (via the AGNES list of those who'll register) prior to the first session.


Please apply only for one of the seminars. The final decision on assignments to the seminars and topics will be made in the first session. Due to the limited teaching opportunities due to the ongoing pandemic, the teaching format will probably be digital. 


The oral presentation within one of the seminars is a prerequisite for the final examination. The final module examination will comprise writing an essay-style written test (90 minutes).


Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2021/22. Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Unter den Linden 6 | D-10099 Berlin