Please note that to complete module 3, you have to attend one of the seminars Introduction to Cultural Studies and Theory listed in this module. As specified in the “Bemerkung” of the individual groups, these have a focus on either American Cultural Theory or British Cultural Studies. You need to combine one of these seminars with one of the lectures [= Vorlesung] (American Cultural History or British Cultural History). You can (but do not have to) mix and match (British seminar with American lecture or vice versa). The lectures are only offered in the winter term. We do not recommend this module for 1st and 2nd semester students.
Students to whom “Nachteilsausgleich” or “Härtefall” rules apply, should please state so in the comments section of the AGNES registration and inform their course instructor at the beginning of the seminar.
Introduction to British Cultural Studies and Cultural History: Key Concepts and Theories This course will provide an introduction to the basics of Cultural Studies: concepts of culture, models of cultural exchange, ways of ‘reading’ culture and cultural artefacts (especially film analysis), concepts of history and of cultural memory, issues of Gender Studies and of Postcolonial Studies will be examined and discussed using selected examples from literature and popular culture. A reader with material will be provided at the beginning of the class.
American Cultural Theory
This course introduces students to a variety of scholarly contributions and concepts used for the analysis of American culture. It focuses on different media and forms of cultural representation including film and TV. Addressed are theories on representation and signs, discourse and power, memory and time, race and privilege, gender and queer studies, class and popular culture. Students are encouraged to reflect critically on the ways these theories are engaged in the production of knowledge about symbolic and material practices. |