Kommentar |
Lern- und Qualifikationsziele The students will learn the principles of Statistical Mechanics, and the theoretical description of statistical-physics systems. They will be able to apply those principles to solve relevant problems. Voraussetzungen Knowledge of Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Gliederung / Themen / Inhalte 1. Basic concepts of Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics 2. Principles of statistical physics (pure and statistical states; entropy and probability theory; ensembles; connection to thermodynamics) 3. Ideal systems (spin systems; Boltzmann, Bose and Fermi gases; examples) 4. Statistical models for real systems in thermodynamic equilibrium and phase transitions (spin models with interaction; order parameters; molecular field approximation; Ginzburg-Landau theory) 5. Thermodynamic of systems outside of equilibrium (theory of linear response; causality and analytical structure of response functions; fluctuation-dissipation theorem)