This course introduces students to a variety of scholarly contributions and concepts used for the analysis of American culture. It focuses on different media and forms of cultural representation including film and TV. Addressed are theories on representation and signs, discourse and power, memory and time, race and privilege, gender and queer studies, class and popular culture. Students are encouraged to reflect critically on the ways these theories are engaged in the production of knowledge about symbolic and material practices.
Please register through Agnes! The Moodle Key will be announced in the first meeting.
Reading: A reader with material will be provided at the beginning of the class, and/or on Moodle.
Requirements: A short presentation or a response paper (depending on instructor).
The MAP for BA Englisch will cover this seminar and the lecture in British or American Cultural History. The part for this class will be an essay question on one of the theories covered. For BA Amerikanistik you can choose to do an oral exam on this class or the other seminar you took in the Module. |