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Where Mack the Knife meets Mother Courage: Bertolt Brecht's Berlin Years - Detailseite

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Veranstaltungsart Seminar Veranstaltungsnummer 2181310
Semester SoSe 2019 SWS 2
Rhythmus keine Übernahme Moodle-Link  
Veranstaltungsstatus Freigegeben für Vorlesungsverzeichnis  Freigegeben  Sprache englisch
Belegungsfrist Es findet keine Online-Belegung über AGNES statt!
Veranstaltungsformat Präsenz


Gruppe 1
Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Gebäude Raum-
Lehrperson Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Di. 12:00 bis 14:00 c.t. wöch 09.04.2019 bis 09.07.2019  0323-26 (Seminarraum)
Stockwerk: 3. OG

HVPl5-7 Institutsgebäude - Hausvogteiplatz 5-7 (HV 5)

  findet statt     25
Gruppe 1:

Zugeordnete Person
Zugeordnete Person Zuständigkeit
Sibilak, Carolin verantwortlich
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Universitätsverwaltung, Studienabteilung (I), Administration Qualitätspakt Lehre, bologna.lab

ECTS Points: 5

Language requirements / Sprachanforderungen: min. English B2, Deutsch B2


Ranked as one of the most popular German authors and playwrights of the 20th century, Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) became globally known even in life, and his texts, artistic ideas and experiments have been around ever since. In Berlin, “the city that makes clever”, he witnessed the turbulent times of the Weimar Republic before fleeing the National Socialists in 1933, and it was here that he saw the founding of the GDR after returning from exile in 1948. The socio-political incidents and developments of these years strongly influenced his life and work, which in turn allow us to relive the history and culture of Germany in general and Berlin in particular. Focusing mainly on Brecht’s poetry (i.a. Manual of Piety, Svendborg Poems, Buckow Elegies) and stage plays (i.a. The Threepenny Opera, Mother Courage and her Children) while also consulting autobiographical and theoretical writings, the bilingual seminar aims to trace possible connections between art, society and politics and to discuss aspects like artistic purpose and responsibility and political censorship. We will visit the Berlin Ensemble and Brecht’s former residence in midtown (with museum and archive) as well as a theatre performance as part of the course.


Please note:

NO registration via Agnes.

ONLY online application via Berlin Perspectives (7 March - 7 April 2019):

BP application (

You will find the detailed syllabus for this course on the Berlin Perspectives Website:


This seminar carries 5 ECTS.

For international incoming students and HU students.

Language requirements English B2 minimum.


Internationale Programmstudierende / International exchange students.

HU-Studierende im ÜWP.


Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester SoSe 2019. Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Unter den Linden 6 | D-10099 Berlin