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Gender Analysis in Economics - Detailseite

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Veranstaltungsart Vorlesung Veranstaltungsnummer 20175
Semester SoSe 2017 SWS 4
Rhythmus jedes 2. Semester Moodle-Link  
Veranstaltungsstatus Freigegeben für Vorlesungsverzeichnis  Freigegeben  Sprache englisch
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Veranstaltungsformat Präsenz


Gruppe 1
Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Gebäude Raum-
Lehrperson Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Do. 16:00 bis 18:00 wöch von 20.04.2017  2.21 (Seminarraum)
Stockwerk: 2. OG

Han27-Haus 12 / Institutsgebäude - Hannoversche Straße 27 (HN27-H12)

  findet statt     30
Gruppe 1:

Zugeordnete Person
Zugeordnete Person Zuständigkeit
Brückner, Meike , Dr.
Abschluss Studiengang LP Semester
Master of Science  Agrarökonomik (AE) Hauptfach ( POVersion: 2006 )   4 - 4 
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät

Inhalt: Gendered Practices of Food: Care, Environment and Sovereignty


In the last years the studying of food practices, from production to consumption, has gained increasing interest. A body of sociological/anthropological works is developed which scrutinizes the social act of eating and its symbolic meaning, others address the consequences of a globalized neoliberal food system. The seminar is focusing on a gender analysis of food practices, as this allows to understand women’s struggles but also their resistance and important knowledge in food production and consumption.

The course is designed to a) provide a general understanding how food practices are embedded in the simultaneous local-global relations as well as social and environmental contexts, b) discuss concepts of food security/sovereignty and alternative food movements from a gender perspective and c) explore the relationship between everyday practices of food and gendered care work.

The seminar should be attended accompanied by the course “Gender and Environment:  Ecofeminism and Sustainable Development” (Thursday, 14-16, Prof. Dr. phil. Christine Bauhardt).


Avakian, Arlene Voski/Haber, Barbara (2005): Feminist Food Studies. A Brief History. In: Avakian, A V/Haber, B (ed.): From Betty Crocker to Feminist Food Studies: Critical Perspectives on Women and Food. Amherst, Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 1-22.

Patel, Rajeev C (2012): Food Sovereignty: Power, Gender and the Right to Food. PLoS Med 9(6): e1001223. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001223 .


Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester SoSe 2017. Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Unter den Linden 6 | D-10099 Berlin