Kommentar |
This course provides students the opportunity to explore the divisive issues currently being debated in the USA. Through exposure to a variety of media outlets, students will gain a better understanding of how the United States sees itself and how politically and socially relevant issues intersect. Course participants will determine the foci of the major course topics covered (i.e. the media, immigration, women’s and LBGTQIA rights, and socioeconomic disparities) and address them in informative presentations. In addition, participants will individually explore the broader course topics within a particular state. Both activities will provide students with ample material to strengthen their discussion skills, to further develop their presentation and language skills, as well as to expand their knowledge on the current issues, both at the national and state levels. Please note that this course is open to students who have already taken Current Trends and Developments in the USA – Cultural Perspectives.
Please register by 30 March 2017 using the printed form you can find at "Weitere Links" (see top of page).
Exchange students only: Please register by 6 April 2017 (4pm) via email (faussera@hu-berlin.de)