This course aims at introducing students to a variety of scholarly contributions and concepts used for the analysis of American culture. It focuses on different media and forms of cultural representation and studies theoretical approaches to a variety of concerns. Addressed are theories on representation and signs, discourse and power, memory and time, race and whiteness, gender and queer discourses, class and popular culture. The students are encouraged to reflect critically on the ways these theories are engaged in the production of knowledge about symbolic and material practices. There will be a moodle site for this class: keyword “Django”.
Ein Reader zum Kurs mit allen Texten ist ab 1. Oktober bei Sprintout, S-Bahnbogen 190 (Ecke Georgen/Universitätsstraße) erhältlich.
A good first encounter with the topic are the texts by Matthias Oppermann and Martin Klepper in Approaches to American Cultural Studies. Ed. Antje Dallmann, Eva Boesenberg and Martin Klepper (Milton Park: Routledge, 2016) — also on moodle.
The requirement for the class is presence, participation and a short presentation. For the MAP you will have to answer an essay question pertaining to this class.
The course registration is via Agnes. |