The digital age has seen the rise of the internet which has made an abundance of information about products and competitors available upon a click with massive platforms dominating the economy, emphasizing the value of consumer data.
This course explores the factors behind this digital boom and the policy challenges it poses. We’ll discuss how companies create and profit from network effects and how intermediaries and platforms organize trade. We’ll delve into the economics of consumer search and search engines to understand how the internet shapes the firms’ product design and pricing strategies. We examine how competition laws address the rise of digital platforms, with a particular focus on consumer data and privacy.
Recommended module or comparable previous knowledge: Some previous knowledge in game theory and industrial organization is very helpful.
The master module Advanced Microeconomic Analysis is very helpful. Moreover, the following bachelor modules “Mikroökonomie II“, „Einführung in die Spieltheorie“, „Industrial Organization“ or similar classes are very helpful.
StO/PO MA BWL und VWL 2016: 6 LP, Modul: "Topics in Microeconomics"
StO/PO MA MEMS 2016: 6 LP, Modul: "Topics in Microeconomics", Major: Microeconomics
Written exam (90 min)
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