Voraussetzung: Erfolgreicher Abschluss der Module: zwei Sprachmodule, Einführungsmodul, Methodenmodul, Grundmodul
This course takes a comparative look at multilingualism in East Asia and its adjacent Asian regions by engaging with the following questions: How is multilingualism manifested in language communities? How do governments respond to multilingualism? How does governmental language planning affect the lives of speakers? The first part will be dedicated to theoretical and methodological concepts of language planning, language shift, multilingualism and other sociolinguistic areas of inquiry. On this basis, students will develop a case study of one language community. The case study can relate to the current situation of a community or to multilingualism in history
Klöter, Henning & Mårten Söderblom Saarela (eds.), 2021. Language diversity in the sinophone world: Historical trajectories, language planning, and multilingual practices. New York & London: Routledge.
The course will be offered in English unless all participants prefer German as a medium of instruction.
Studierende des MA Asien-/Afrikastudien müssen parallel den Kurs 'Research Design Learning' belegen, um das Modul 9 erfolgreich abzuschließen.
Students of the MA Asian/African Studies also have to take the course Research Design Learning in order to successfully complete Module 9.
Konferenzbeitrag und schriftliche Ausarbeitung
Studierende im Master Asien-/Afrikastudien
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