This course prepares students for undertaking independent research in the field of finance. Students will carry out an ungraded presentation of a research proposal at the end of the semester. This presentation serves as basis for the bachelor thesis. After the presentation, students can register their thesis topic with the Exams Office (Prüfungsbüro) and proceed to write their thesis.
Prerequisites: Empirical Research in Finance (701143) oder Bachelorpraktikum Empirisches Arbeiten
Students interested in this seminar are required to submit an application. In case the number of students til the deadline for applications exceeds the maximum number, then selection takes place using a lottery as specified by HU regulations.Only students who can not participate in the seminar due to the lottery procedure will receive a cancellation email before the start of term.
To apply, please submit your application form ( to: Deadline for applications: 30.09. (Winter semester) and 31.03. (Summer semester)
Participants: max. 20
Keine Leistungspunkte / no credit points.
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