This course complements Accounting I (Accounting Theory and Earnings Management) by providing insights on (a) how information can affect corporate decision-making and (b) how quantitative analysis tools can be used on administrative, field and experimental data to support sound business decisions.The course will combine scientific evidence with real-life business cases. It should therefore be interesting to students who want to prepare for a corporate career in the area of accounting or governance as well as for students who consider writing their Master's thesis in the area of accounting.
Preconditions: To complete this module successfully, students will need a basic understanding of accounting concepts but no detailed institutional knowledge. In addition, students need to be familiar with basic concepts of microeconomics and econometrics.
All relevant material will be provided throughout the course.
StO/PO MA 2016: 6 LP, Modul: "Accounting II"
StO/PO MEMS 2016: 6 LP, Modul: "Accounting II", Major: Accounting and Finance
Portfolio exam:
Students will work on various assignments during the semester and submit an individual report by the end of the semester. The final grade for the course will be calculated as the weighted average of the separate grades for each assignment and the individual report. Each student will also present one of their assignments (not graded).
Registration deadline: until November 15, 2024
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