Kommentar |
In this course, the history of cultural plurality in Istanbul as a world metropole will be studied within its political, socio-economic and historical context starting with a discussion on the theoretical-conceptual and methodological framework for any possible academic research about cultural diversity in a metropolis.
After some deliberations on the historical process of rapid change in the cultural diversity of the city from the late Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic, we will mainly deal with the contemporary confessional and linguistic plurality in the context of political and economic developments.
Together with the oral presentations during the semester and term papers to be submitted at the end of the semester, attendance and active participation will play decisive role in the assessment of students in this course. |
Literatur |
- Akpınar, Ipek 2015: "Urbanization Represented in the Historical Peninsula: Turkification of Istanbul in the 1950s" in Meltem Gürel (ed.) Mid-Century Modernism in Turkey: Architecture Across Cultures in the 1950s and 1960s, Research in Architecture, London: Routledge- Taylor and Francis Group.
- Eraydın, Ayda; Yersen, Özge; Güngördü, Nazda and Demirdağ, İsmail 2014: Urban Policies on Diversity in Istanbul, Turkey, Work package 4: Assessment of Urban Policies.
- Fisher-Onar, Nora; Pearce, Susan C. & Keyman, Fuat (eds.) 2018: Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
- İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin 2004: A Culture of Peaceful Coexistence. Early Islamic and Ottoman Turkish examples, Istanbul: IRCICA.
- Keyder, Çağlar 1999: Istanbul Between the Local and the Global, New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Prato, Giuliana B. 2009: “Introduction: Beyond Multiculturalism. Anthropology at the Intersections Between the Local, the National and the Global”, in: Prato, Giuliana B. (ed.), Beyond Multiculturalism Views from Anthropology. Urban Anthropology, Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 1-19.
- Stewig, Reinhard 2015: Transformation of Urban Society in Istanbul, EB Verlag, Berlin.
- Williams, Raymond 1983 [1976]: A vocabulary of culture and society, (Revised edition), New York: Oxford University Press.
- Wood, Phil; Landry, Charles and Bloomfield, Jude 2006: The Intercultural City. Making the Most of Diversity, Comedia.
- Zapata-Barrero, Ricard 2015: “Interculturalism: main hypothesis, theories and strands”, in: Ricard Zapata-Barrero (ed.), Interculturalism in Cities. Concept, Policy and Implementation, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.3-19.