Literatur |
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- Barendregt, Bart/ Peter Keppy/ Henk Schulte Nordholt, Popular Music in Southeast Asia: Banal Beats, Muted Histories, Amsterdam 2017
- Baulch, Emma, Making Scenes: Reggae, Punk, and Death Metal in 1990s Bali, Durham 2007
- Denning, Michael, Noise Uprising: The Audiopolitics of a World Musical Revolution, London und Brooklyn 2015
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- Gibbs, Jason, „The West’s Songs, Our Songs: The introduction of Western popular Songs in Vietnam before 1940“, in: Asian Music (35/1), 2003–2004, S. 57–83
- Gibbs, Jason, „How Does Hanoi Rock? The Way to Rock and Roll in Vietnam“, in: Asian Music (39/1), 2008, S. 5–25
- Keppy, Peter, „Keroncong, concours and crooners: Home grown entertainment in twentieth-century Batavia“, in: Boomgaard, Peter/ Dick Kooiman/ Henk Schulte Nordholt (Hrsg.), Linking Destinies: Trade, Towns and Kin in Asian History, Leiden 2008
- Keppy, Peter, „Southeast Asia in the Age of Jazz: Locating popular culture in the colonial Philippines and Indonesia“, in: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (44/3), 2013, S. 444–464
- Lockard, Craig A., Dance of Life: Popular Music and Politics in Southeast Asia, Honolulu 1998
- Luvaas, Brendt, „Dislocating Sounds: The Deterritorialization of Indonesian Indie Pop”, in: Cultural Anthropology (24/2), 2009, S. 246–279
- Mamula, Stephen, „Starting from Nowhere? Popular Music in Cambodia after the Khmer Rouge“, in: Asian Music (39/1), 2008, S. 26–41
- Martin-Iverson, Sean, „Bandung Lautan Hardcore: Territorialisation and Deterritorialisation in an Indonesian Hardcore Punk Scene”, in: Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (15/4), 2014, S. 532-552
- Saphan, LinDa, „From Modern Rock to Postmodern Hard Rock: Cambodian Alternative Music Voices“, in: Ethnic Studies Review (35/1), 2012, S. 23–39
- Saphan, LinDa, „Norodom Sihanouk and the Political Agenda of Cambodian Music, 1955–1970“, in: The Newsletter (64), 2013, S. 4–5
- Suryadi, „The ‚talking machine‘ comes to the Dutch East Indies: The arrival of Western media technology in Southeast Asia“, in: Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde (162/2.3), 2006, S. 269–305
- Tan, Sooi Beng, „The 78rpm record industry in Malaya prior to World War II“, in: Asian Music (28/1), 1996–97, S. 1–42
- Taylor, Philip, „Music as a ‚Neocolonial Poison‘ in Postwar Southern Vietnam“, in: Crossroads (14/1), 2000, S. 99–131
- Siriyuvasak, Ubonrat/ Shin Hyunjoon, „Asianizing K-Pop: consumption and identification patterns among Thai youth“, in: Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (8/1), 2007, S. 109–136
- Wallach, Jeremy, Modern Noise, Fluid Genres: Popular Music in Indonesia, 1997-2001. Madison 2008
- Wallach, Jeremy/ Esther Clinton, „History, Modernity, and Music Genre in Indonesia: Popular Music Genres in the Dutch East Indies and Following Independence”, in: Asian Music (44/2), 2013, S. 3–23
- yamomo, meLê, Sounding Modernities: Theatre and Music in Manila and the Asia Pacific, 1869–1946, Cham 2018
- Yampolsky, Philip, „Kroncong revisited: New evidence from old sources“, in: Archipel (79/1), 2010, S. 7–56
- Yampolsky, Philip, Music and Media in the Dutch East Indies: Gramophone Records and Radio in the Late Colonial Era, 1903-1942, PhD diss., University of Washington 2013 |