This course provides an overview on the economic analysis of labor markets. The emphasis is on applied microeconomics and empirical analysis. Topics to be covered include: labor supply and demand, human capital, education and training, changes in the wages structure and inequality, biased technological change and returns to skills, organizational change and skill demand, the closing gender gap. The introduction of topics will be on textbook level, but the focus will be on the discussion of empirical implementation strategies used in recent publications.
Acquaintance of intermediate microeconomics or labor economics and econometrics is highly recommended.
R. Ehrenberg and R. Smith, 2003, Modern Labor Economics;
P. Cahuc and A. Zylberberg, 2004, Labor Economics;
+ selected journal articles
StO/PO MA 2016: 6 LP, Modul: "Empirical Labor Economics"
StO/PO MEMS 2016: 6 LP, Modul: "Empirical Labor Economics", Major: Macroeconomics
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